Didier Vermeiren

Born in 1951 in Brussels, Didier Vermeiren has been investigating the history of sculpture for half a century.

Through his series of pedestal sculptures, in which the pedestal is not only a support but an autonomous structure, a work of art in itself, Vermeiren raises questions not only about space and perception, but also about the meaning of a particular work within a historical or cultural tradition. Taking a postmodernist approach, the artist also integrates photography into his creative process, showing sculptures in constant metamorphosis by multiplying the points of view.

For Vermeiren, self-reference is crucial. In 1987, he said: “I believe that my sculptures refer to other sculptures, other sculptors (…) but also to other sculptures in my own oeuvre. (…) I believe that no piece of sculpture stands on its own. A detached sculpture has no meaning.”

Vermeiren’s work has been widely exhibited internationally, including at the Jeu de Paume in Paris, the Zurich’s Kunsthalle, and the 1995 Venice Biennale.